Eating amla is

 Eating amla is extremely beneficial for

 health. It is effective in boosting the city's

 immunity. Amla ka achar, chutney aur

 murabba bhi banakar sakte hain. People

 like the most amla ka murabba. Making

 amla's murabba is extremely easy and can

 make it at home as well. It requires sugar

 and cardamom in addition to amla.

There are many Ayurvedic benefits of

 eating amla in winter. It feels upright in

 eating, but it can be easily eaten by

 consuming it by making murabba.

 Ayurvedic told local 18 that the

 consumption of amla's murabba is very

 beneficial in winter days. Anwale's

 murabba for children and elderly is

 considered a superfood and eating it

 relaxes in a variety of physical troubles.

It also has an advantage that Anwale's

 murmur does not go bad for years.

 Ayurveda doctor reported that Amla

 Murabba also improves digestion with

 immunity boosting... These are also a great

 benefit for hair, eyesight, and skin.

500 grams of amla, 750 grams of sugar, two

 cups of water, four-five cardamom pieces

 are required to make amale's murabba. To

 prepare it, first wash the amla and clean it well. 

फिर एक कटोरी में पानी लेकर उसमें आंवला डालकर 10-15 

 is hard, put amla pieces in it and cook on a

 slow flame. Then cook the amla until they

 become soft and the chasni is completely

 dry. After this process, Murabba is ready

 and when Murabba cools down, fill it in an

 airtight container and consume it with fun.

Amla contains plenty of vitamin C, which

 boosts immunity. Also it keeps digestion

 repaired and relieves constipation

 problem. Anwale's murmur keeps the skin

 healthy and helps reduce blemishes. Also,

 Amla helps to increase eyesight.
